5 Social Media Tips for Small Businesses



I’ve learnt that over the last year or two no matter how big or small you are as a business, making a social impact is a must for anyone whose business is centered on engaging with people. Being able to engage with your audience to create, build and maintain a business relationship is the core of what social media is all about. The only question is; do small businesses have the resources to master social media to create a stronger enough effect?

KNOW YOUR MARKET: Being able to know your audience and what they want is an art form which you can have control over. Posting for the sake of it isn’t a good use of time, nor will it connect with your audience. Make time to understand your audience by providing quality content that is meaningful, engaging and relevant. Catering for your audience with relevant offers can have…

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Character counts, employment and mind BDSM

You’re probably wondering what my post title is touching on, well it’s regret. Regret for not paying closer attention, regret for not being more diligent, regret for having to write this post. (I know attention and diligence are pretty much the same thing but you always need three with these sorts of things!)

Basically the premise of my regret lies in the fact that I’ve been job searching recently and managed to secure myself an interview with a great agency. I think it went pretty well as confirmed by an email sent the following day stating they’d felt I’d come across really strong and would be a great fit. All they needed me to do next was produce a Facebook ad in order to further my application.

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Copywriting, is that one word or two?


Image via Velocity Partners

I suck at copywriting. OK, maybe that’s too strong a word, I don’t suck but I do have issues. Writing extensive pieces of work was never my strong point, I can write in a ‘this-is-my-blog-yada-yada-blah-blah’ type of way, but to write copy in a particular tone of voice is where I do tend to struggle. I blame my art background, I studied subjects that only called for artistic expression not the art of written. I could argue my ideas and opinions without a glitch but when the time arose to detail it down on paper I was nowhere to be seen.

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